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Monday, July 13, 2015

Digital Students: How to Bring Them a Better Experience

Enhancing the Digital Experience for Students

Eric Stoller | July 9, 2015

If you're ever in need of some useful digital resources, it would serve you well to take a spin through Jisc's website. I've written about and/or mentioned Jisc in previous posts. Providing "digital solutions for UK education and research," Jisc is a great source for digital inspiration and thought-leadership.
I recently attended a Jisc event that was focused on learning, teaching, and technology. Participants were given (pseudo ironically) print copies of "Enhancing the digital experience for students" discussion cards.

<more at; related link: (Jisc Digital Student; Investigating students' expectations of the digital environment)>

To download the updated cards, click on the  title of the card:
Using the Enhancing the digital student experience cards
How are we managing students’ expectations of the digital environment?
How do we prepare students to study in digital settings?
How do we give students a sense of belonging to the (digital) institution?
How good is the access we offer to hardware and networks?
How good is the access we offer to software and services?
How effective is our guidance and support for students’ use of digital technologies?
How are we supporting students to use their own devices and services?
How are we embedding digital experiences into the curriculum?
How are we building the digital capabilities of student-facing staff?
How are we preparing students for digital workplaces?
How do we ensure an inclusive learning experience with technology?
How do we find out more about students’ digital experiences and expectations?
How do we engage students in developing the digital environment?
How well are we approaching these issues at the strategic level?

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