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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Libraries and Distance Education

Do Libraries Matter in Distance Education?

Meris Stansburg | July 20, 2015

With the explosion of distance education, librarianship is changing from managing books to connecting people and quality resources while at the same time delivering resources effectively and providing the best customer service possible.

Flowchart describing the process of finding journals for distance education students. Boston University.

<more at; related links: and (The Roles that Librarians and Libraries Play in Distance Education Settings. Amanda Corbett and Abbie Brown. Abstract: This article explores the literature that focuses on the various roles librarians and libraries play in distance education settings. Learners visit libraries either in person or via networked computing technology to ask for help with their online courses. Questions range from how to upload a document with a learning management system, to how to use software and hardware, to more complex questions about how to locate and research articles for term papers. The literature reviewed provides a glimpse into the historical roles, current roles, as well as possible new roles that libraries and librarians may play in the future. This article identifies various library services that are essential to distant learners and distance education settings, and will explain how librarians and libraries are providing these services online.>

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