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Friday, July 31, 2015

Nokia VR Camera

Nokia Reveals Ozo, a Futuristic new Camera for Filming Virtual Reality

Designed for Hollywood, not consumers

Casey Newton | July 28, 2015

When Microsoft bought Nokia's handset business in 2013, two big questions hovered above all. The first was "why?" and we never got a convincing answer: Microsoft wrote off $7.6 billion in Nokia costs this month, higher than the purchase price. The second question was what would become of the rest of Nokia, which had just exited the business it had once dominated. The company said it planned to focus on maps, network infrastructure, and "advanced technologies" — but what those technologies would be went unsaid.


<more at; related links: (Nokia Launches Virtual Reality Camera for 3D Video. July 29, 2015) and (Meet Ozo, the First Nokia Virtual Reality Camera. July 29, 2015)>

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