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Monday, June 8, 2015

Tenure at University of Wisconsin

With Tenure on the Chopping Block, Wisconsin Regents Try to Protect It

Andy Thomason | June 5, 2015

The University of Wisconsin’s Board of Regents voted unanimously on Friday to add tenure protections to system policy as the state’s Republican-led government appeared ready to remove them from state law, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.
Proposed legislation, crafted by the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance as part of the state budget, would strip shared-governance guarantees and tenure protections from state law. It is expected to pass and be signed into law by Gov. Scott Walker.

<more at; note following comment on this story: rgrusin3 days ago This headline is totally misleading. The Regents have made no efforts to protect tenure because the only way to do that now would be for the Legislature not to vote to pass the recommendation to radically loosen the reasons a tenured faculty member can be fired. This unanimous vote is a cover for a cowardly, or worse heinous, Board; related link:>

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