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Friday, June 5, 2015

Digital Milliennium Copyright Act

The Bizarre Process We Use to Approve exemptions to the Digital Milliennium Copyright Act

Every three years, the doors to allowing legal circumvention of digital locks open up briefly

Glenn Fleishman | June 2, 2015

So you bought a game, and you play it all the time with people around the world. Three months later, the maker shuts down the network. You can still play in single-player mode against the computer-generated players, and other people can bring their consoles over for LAN parties. But the rest of the world is lost to you.
Worse, some people have resuscitated multiplayer access for your game with a bunch of hacks—but what they’re doing is illegal in America. If you install their patches and you're in the U.S., you’re violating the law, too.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) wants to change that, along with a host of other related copyright quirks.

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