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Friday, July 8, 2016

United Nations: Internet Access Is Human Right (Cuba, Venezuela Opposed)

United Nations Declares Internet Access a Human Right; Cuba, Venezuela Oppose Move

Fox News Latino | July 06. 2016

In a sign of the times, as well as the entrenchment of the internet in nearly every aspect of life, the United Nations passed a resolution declaring online access as nothing less than a human right.
Various nations – many known for their tight control on all kinds of freedom of expression – vigorously opposed the resolution. These included Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, South Africa, India and Indonesia, who rejected the resolution’s support for the “promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet.”
Possibly not coincidentally, some of the countries objecting to the resolution are also among the nations with the worst records of human rights abuses.

A United Nations report said Friday that disconnecting people from the internet is a human rights violation and against international law.
The report railed against France and the United Kingdom, which have passed laws to remove accused copyright scofflaws from the internet. It also protested blocking internet access to quell political unrest. 
Source: (U.N. Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right. June 3, 2011)

Wide view of the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room, United Nations. Source:

<more at; related articles and links: (Why SA voted against Internet freedoms at UN. Issues of racism and incitement of hatred prompted South Africa to vote against a United Nations resolution on the protection of human rights on the Internet. July 5, 2016) and (+Video) (Castro defends Cuba: 'Not one country' complies with all human rights – as it happened. May 25, 2016)>

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