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Monday, October 12, 2015

Silicon Valley and the Librarian of Congress

Why Silicon Valley Cares so Much about Who Will Lead the Library of Congress

After years of debate over the Library of Congress' failure to adapt to changing digital technology, the resignation of its longest-serving Librarian represents a new opportunity to move into the digital age.

Max Lewontin | October 5, 2015

...[The Library of Congress' ruling on cellphone unlocking in 2012] also brought wider public attention to a debate that has quietly simmered for years over the Library’s attitude toward technology, shaped by its longest-serving Librarian, respected Russian historian James Billington, who has become infamous for his use of faxes to communicate with library staff.
Separately, a wide-ranging group of librarians, technology companies, and policymakers have also raised questions about the library’s stewardship of the US Copyright Office – which currently stores most of its valuable records in rows of paper volumes.


<more at; related links: (Obama to 'unlock' cellphone rights: How free will you be? Congress passed a bipartisan bill to allow customers to unlock their cellphones and use them with any carrier. President Obama says he'll sign the bill. But the battle isn't over. July 26, 2014) and (House, Senate Hold Simultaneous Broadband, Spectrum Hearings. October 8, 2015)>

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