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Monday, June 20, 2016

Virtual Reality (VR) And YouTube

How Will Virtual Reality Affect Youtube? (+Video)

Wochit via | June 16, 2016

YouTubers live or die based on the interests of their audiences. The shift toward VR could potentially impact them even further.
Relating that part of the problem with VR is technical, Youtuber Drift0r said, “My VR video underperformed. It was incredibly hard to film because it's not forward-facing. It captures the entire room, everybody's shoes, lights everything.”
Drift0r says that phones are really the future when it comes to VR. “Mobile phones now have roughly the same power as an Xbox 360. Imagine two or three years from now, phones will only be faster with more resources toward gaming. There will be impressive mobile games, VR mobile games.”


<more at; related articles and links: (YouTube Launches Dedicated App for Virtual Reality Videos. May 18, 2016) and (Will virtual reality kill the YouTube comment?
And do we want it to? May 21, 2016)>